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Weather & General Report for Eastern Sierra

Weather & General Report for Eastern Sierra

Runoff has slowed, but recent warming may cause it to increase again. A heat advisory is in effect this weekend. The San Joaquin River's levels are now fishable, making this weekend a good opportunity to explore, though note that access is restricted to Friday through Sunday with limited services available.

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Crowley Lake

Flows & Water Conditions The lake level remains unchanged. Earlier this week, water temperatures dropped but are now rising again.

Click Here For Crowley Flow Rates

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Fishing Report & Conditions: Fair-Good

For active fishing, Hilton Bay and the Crooked Creek arm have abundant stockers. Alternatively, the south side of Mcgee Bay towards Sandy Point has been consistently productive. Fish are deep (25-35 feet), and be aware of Daphnia and algae issues, requiring movement to find clearer water. With runoff slowing, now is a good time for exploration.

Upper Owens River

Flows & Water Conditions Good
Clarity So-so below Hot Creek, but good above
CFS 76

Click Here For Upper Owens Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Good

Tricos are beginning, with female emergence around 7 AM along with caddis migration. Trico egg-laying and PMD hatches start around 9:30 AM but are diminishing. Evenings see male Trico and caddis hatches, along with caddis egg-laying.


  • Dries: Spider Variant Trico #20-22 | Parachute Extended Body PMD #16-18 | Parachute Caddis #16-22
  • Nymphs: Tungsten Psycho May PMD #14-16 | Drowned Trico Spinner #18-22 | Bead Head Flashback Pheasant Tail #14-22 | Guides Choice #14-18
  • Streamers: Keslars H/B/G Olive

Lower Owens River

Flows & Water Conditions Fair
Clarity Slightly off-color
CFS 552

Click Here For Lower Owens Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Fair-Good

Limited reports, with expected hatches picking up. Summer patterns include micro caddis emergence at 6 AM, female Trico emergence at 7 AM, and Trico spinners fall at 9-10 AM. Later in the summer, PMD and BWO hatches occur in the mid-afternoon, with caddis egg-laying and male Trico emergence in the evening.

Hot Creek

Flows & Water Conditions Good
Clarity Slightly off-color
CFS 25

Click Here For Hot Creek Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Good - Very Good

Hatches are plentiful throughout the day. Caddis start migrating at 7 AM, followed by female Trico emergence. PMD hatches begin around 9-10 AM but are slowing down. Trico spinner patterns are effective through midday. Evenings feature male Trico hatches and caddis egg-laying and emergence.


  • Dries: Upright Organza Trico #18-22 | Spider Variant PMD #16-18 | Mimic May PMD #16 | Brooks Hot Creek Caddis #18-22 | Baby Boy Hopper #14-16 | Spent Wing Caddis #16-20
  • Nymphs: Tung Stud Black #18-20 | Split Case PMD #14-18 | HDA Fav #14-16 | Expecting Scud #16-18 | Drowned Trico Spinner #20-22
  • Streamers: Soccer Mom Ginger

East Walker River

Flows & Water Conditions Fair-Good; Water temperatures reach mid-60s by early afternoon
Clarity Poor near the dam, improves downstream
CFS 232

Click Here For East Walker Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Fair-Good

Crowds are decreasing slightly, but hatches are becoming inconsistent with rising water temperatures – Monitor the water temperature to avoid fish fatality. Mornings are best; big lake midges up near the dam are consistent. PMDs are active mid-morning, with sporadic caddis activity throughout the day. Evenings see caddis and male Trico activity.


  • Dries: Chernobyl OJ #6-10 | Adult Cranefly | Mimic May Light Cahill #14 | Missing Link #12-16 | Double Duck #14-18
  • Nymphs: San Juan Worm Red | CB Micro Stone #14-18 | GB FB Pheasant Tail #14-20 | HDA Fav #12-16 | Drowned Trico Spinner #18-22 || Near Dam: V-Rib Midge Claret #14 | PT Midge Pupae #12-14
  • Streamers: Try 'Em All

San Joaquin River (Middle-Fork)

Flows & Water Conditions Reaching optimal levels with water temperatures in the upper 50s
Clarity Good
CFS 190, fluctuating from 30-50 CFS daily

Click Here For San Joaquin Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Promising and worth exploring. Access is limited to Friday through Sunday with minimal services available.

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